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影响城市防洪标准的因素众多,为处理统计数据的模糊性和随机性,根据城市防洪标准的政治效果、社会效果、经济效果、环境生态效果综合最优原则,基于统计数据的变异性,根据主观性最小、最合乎自然、偏差最小的最大熵原理和使各方案对各分类级别的加权广义距离平方和最小的模糊理论建立目标函数,然后用加速遗传算法解此目标函数,得各指标权重,进而计算出各城市防洪标准方案的相对贴近度,从而建立方案优选智能评价模型,对城市防洪标准方案进行优选。应用结果表明,方案3(500年一遇的城市防洪标准)既能降低防洪费用,叉能达到较好的防洪效益。此模型的评价结果与其他方法虽有差异,但经过具体分析,智能评价方法所得结果是合理、客观的。 In order to deal with the fuzziness and randomness of statistical data, according to the political, social, economic and environmental optimal effects of urban flood control standards, based on the statistical data of variability, according to the subjective The least entropy, the most natural and least deviation, and the fuzzy theory which minimizes the sum of squares of weighted generalized distance for each classification level. Then the objective function is established by solving the objective function with accelerated genetic algorithm to obtain the weight of each index, And then calculate the relative closeness of each urban flood control standard program, so as to establish the intelligent evaluation model of the program optimization and optimize the urban flood control standard scheme. Application results show that Option 3 (500-year urban flood control standards) can reduce flood control costs, fork can achieve better flood control benefits. Although there are differences between the evaluation results of this model and other methods, the results obtained from the intelligent evaluation method are reasonable and objective after concrete analysis.
在密度泛函理论(DFT)B3LYP/6-311+G*水平上计算研究了叠氮二氟硼多聚体(F2BN3)n (n=1~4),获得了它们的结构和热力学性质,讨论了几何参数随聚合度的变化趋势.多聚体(F2BN3)2-4
本文考虑在二维均匀介质中带有分数阶导数的非连续渗流问题,此模型修正了众所周知的 Daxcy原理.利用Riemann-Liouvifie和Griinwald-Letnikov分数阶导数之间的关系,提出了求解
设X为赋范线性空间,K为X的非空凸子集,T:K→K为Lipschitz Φ-半压缩映.设{an}∞/n=0和{βn}∞/n=0为[0,1]中的实数列且满足一定条件.则Ishjkawa迭代序列{xn}∞/n=0强收敛于T
S-粗集(singular rough sets)是对Pawlak Z粗集的改进,单向S-粗集(One direction singular rough sets)是S-粗集的基本形式之一.利用单向S-粗集,本文给出数据属性,数据分层挖