In this paper, the in situ oxidation reaction of C-SiC-TiC-TiB2 composites synthesized in situ at 600 ~ 1200 ℃ was studied. At different material compositions and test temperatures, the samples showed oxidation weight gain and weight loss, respectively, depending on the oxidation rate of the carbon and ceramic phases and the structural characteristics of the oxide layer. At 600 ℃, the material is almost not oxidized. At 800 ℃, TiB2 is preferentially oxidized to form B2O3 liquid phase. Above 1000 ℃, B2O3 and SiO2 form borosilicate glass to form a dense oxide layer. The appearance of liquid phase and the formation of dense oxide layer in the oxidation process significantly reduce the oxidation rate and make the material enter blunt oxidation, thereby greatly improving the oxidation resistance of the material.