目的:探讨大兴区兴丰街道妇女生殖健康状况、妇女病发病动态,制定有效的保健预防措施。方法:对2009年兴丰街道2 320例妇女病普查资料进行回顾性分析。结果:自愿参加妇科疾病筛查者无业、下岗与退休女工占80.13%;妇科疾病患病率为9.27%,疾病顺位依次为其他良性疾病、生殖道良性肿瘤、生殖道感染性病;生殖道感染性疾病检出率为18.61%;宫颈细胞学诊断出宫颈病变的8例。结论:妇女病普查是早期筛查宫颈癌的行之有效手段,应加强宣教,增强认识,提高妇女病普查率;宫颈癌前病变的早期发现、及时治疗至关重要,应加强跟踪随访;生殖道感染性疾病患病率较高,应加强防控。
Objective: To investigate the reproductive health status of women in XingFeng Street in Daxing District, the incidence of women’s disease and to establish effective preventive measures for health care. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 2 320 cases of women’s disease survey in Xingfeng Street in 2009 was conducted. Results: The number of unemployed, laid-off and retired women who volunteered to participate in gynecological disease screening was 80.13%. The prevalence of gynecological diseases was 9.27%. The order of the diseases was other benign diseases, benign genital tract tumors, genital tract infections, reproductive tract infections Sexual disease detection rate was 18.61%; Cervical cytology diagnosis of cervical lesions in 8 cases. Conclusion: Women’s disease screening is an effective means to screen cervical cancer in the early stage. Efforts should be made to strengthen education, enhance awareness and improve the screening rate of women’s disease. Early detection and timely treatment of cervical precancerous lesions are of great importance and follow-up should be strengthened. Reproductive tract infections The prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases should be strengthened to prevent and control.