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Dual-purpose systems for both normal and disaster situations are necessary for providing continuous services from normal situations to disaster situations. We h
A color information encryption method using phase-truncated gyrator transform domain is proposed. In this technique, the color image is decomposed into R, G and
<正> 大龙湫(参见2002年第8期10页)为雁荡山绝胜处,瀑流源于百岗尖,经龙湫背从连云峰凌空飞泻,单级落差197米,其高度为中国瀑布之最,有“天下第一瀑”之誉。瀑布因季节、晴雨
<正> 瀛湖位于陕西安康市区西南18公里处的的天柱山脚下,为建造水电站后形成的人工湖,周长540公里,水域77.5平方公里,库容量28亿立方米;大小岛屿星罗棋布。湖南山峦起伏。周
The modified approach to conventional Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) described in this paper represents an essential departure from the conventional technique
We consider a carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) in an unslotted cognitive radio network with random residence time. In this system, if an arriving secondary
<正> 北海白塔 在北京北海琼华岛之巅。清顺治八年(1651)建,高35.9米,喇嘛塔。下为高大的砖石台基,折角须弥座上承托覆钵式塔身,再上为细长的十三天,两层铜质伞盖,最上为鎏金
Fast-Than-Nyquist (FTN) transmission is a promising method to improve the spectrum efficiency for future wireless communication systems. However, this benefit o
For limited distortion source coding, it is generally considered that the minimum value of the coding average distortion is 0, and the maximum value is the mini