通过对 2 0 0 0年奥运会男、女排比赛技术统计资料的分析 ,发现实施新规则后的排球比赛技战术具有如下特点 :网上实力强的球队更容易取得好成绩 ;进攻仍是得分的主要技术手段 ;技术全面的球队同样能取得好成绩。这些特点在某种程度上反过来影响球队的比赛成绩 ,从而构成当前世界排坛新格局。研究还发现亚洲球队与世界球队之间的差距在拉大。
Through the analysis of technical statistics of the men’s and women’s volleyball competitions in the 2000 Olympic Games, it is found that the volleyball tournament tactics after the new rules have been implemented have the following characteristics: online strong teams are more likely to get good grades; offensive is still the main score Technical means; technical team can also achieve good results. These characteristics to some extent, in turn, affect the team’s game results, which constitute the current new world volleyball layout. The study also found that the gap between Asian teams and the world team is widening.