五、六月球台送往北京疾病预防控制中心 在第五期的《乒乓世界》中,由于版面紧张,我们没能送出当月的双鱼球台。开始筹备第六期杂志时,正是SARS在京城大地肆虐的时候,学校纷纷封校、停课,各单位陆续实行弹性工作制。当人民的健康受到威胁时,医务工作者像保家卫国的战士一样,站到了抗击“非典”的最前沿,为市民筑构了一道洁白的屏障。
In May and June, the platform was sent to the Beijing CDC. In the fifth issue of “Ping-Pong World,” we were unable to deliver the Pisces for the current month due to layout tensions. At the beginning of preparations for the sixth issue of the magazine, it was exactly when the SARS wreaked havoc in the capital. Schools closed their schools and closed classes one after another, and various units successively implemented flexible work schedules. When the health of the people is threatened, medical workers, like those who defend the homeland, stand at the forefront of the fight against “SARS” and build a clean barrier for the public.