鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林的主要优势乔木树种黧蒴和荷木的幼苗 ,盆栽于自然光照和人工调节 CO2 浓度为 50 0μl· L- 1或空气 CO2 ( 340μl· L- 1)的气罩中 3个月 .在各自生长条件下测定 ,高 CO2 下生长的黧蒴和荷木叶片平均气孔导度分别降低 1 3%和2 0 % ,蒸腾速率下降 2 0 %和 1 8% ,水分利用效率提高 1倍以上 ,不同 CO2 浓度下的植物叶片气孔导度和蒸腾速率日进程曲线也有明显差异 .处理后将幼苗置于自然条件下观测其后效应 ,第 7d时处理间的气孔导度和蒸腾速率皆无明显差异
The main advantages of the monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in Dinghushan are seedlings of Arborvitae setae and Schima superba, potted in natural gas and artificially adjusted gas mask with CO2 concentration of 50μl · L-1 or air CO2 (340μl · L-1) In three months.It was found that the average stomatal conductance decreased by 13% and 20% respectively, and the transpiration rate decreased by 20% and 18% when the growth was under high CO2. The efficiency increased by more than 1 folds and the diurnal course of stomatal conductance and transpiration rate also differed significantly under different CO2 concentrations.After treatment, the seedlings were placed under natural conditions to observe the post-effects and the stomatal conductance There was no significant difference in transpiration rate