
来源 :疾病预防控制通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jlq520
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目的了解新疆克拉玛依市甲、乙、丙类传染病流行特征及变化趋势,为疫情监测和制定传染病防控措施提供科学依据。方法用描述流行病学方法对2006~2011年克拉玛依市各类法定报告传染病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果 2006~2011年克拉玛依市无甲类传染病报告;报告乙、丙类传染病23种13 591例,死亡29例,年均发病率为715.32/10万,死亡率1.52/10万,病死率为0.21%;发病率居前五位的传染病依次是其他感染性腹泻(136.00/10万)、乙型病毒性肝炎(117.16/10万)、手足口病(74.77/10万)、肺结核(54.95/10万)和甲型H1NI流感(38.30/10万);各类传染病发病以肠道传染病为主,共报告5 140例,占发病总数的37.82%;其次是血源及性传播传染病共报告4 626例,占发病总数的34.04%;呼吸道传染病,占发病总数的27.24%;其他类传染病占0.44%;虫媒及自然疫源性疾病占0.46%。结论预防和控制肠道传染病、血源及性传播传染病和呼吸道传染病仍是克拉玛依市今后传染病防治工作的重点,同时还应加强对水痘的预防和监测。 Objective To understand the epidemiological features and trends of A, B and C infectious diseases in Karamay, Xinjiang and to provide a scientific basis for epidemic situation monitoring and prevention and control measures. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the data of various statutory reported infectious diseases in Karamay from 2006 to 2011. Results There was no report of class A infectious disease in Karamay from 2006 to 2011. 13 591 cases of type B and C infectious diseases were reported, of which 29 cases died. The average annual incidence rate was 715.32 / 100000 with a mortality rate of 1.52 / 100000. The mortality rate Was 0.21%. Among the top five infectious diseases, the other infectious diarrhea was 136.00 / 100000, hepatitis B virus was 117.16 / 100000, hand-foot-mouth disease was 74.77 / 100000, tuberculosis was 54.95 / 100000) and Influenza A (NIH) influenza (38.30 / 100000). The incidence of all kinds of infectious diseases was mainly intestinal infectious diseases, 5 140 cases were reported, accounting for 37.82% of the total. The second was blood and sexually transmitted A total of 4 626 cases of infectious diseases were reported, accounting for 34.04% of the total cases. Respiratory infectious diseases accounted for 27.24% of the total cases. Other types of infectious diseases accounted for 0.44%. Insect vectors and natural foci accounted for 0.46%. Conclusion Prevention and control of intestinal infectious diseases, blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections and respiratory diseases are still the focus of future prevention and control of infectious diseases in Karamay City. At the same time, the prevention and monitoring of chickenpox should be strengthened.
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