第二次世界大战,是人类战争史上一次规模最大的战争。在这次战争中,各国军事理论和军事技术得到了相当大的发展,对人类战争理论和实践也产生了巨大和深远的影响。这次战争在枪械研究和制造方面的一个突出特点,就是冲锋枪的大规模使用。然而,在林林总总的冲锋枪之中,能够大规模生产,大规模使用,为战争实践所认可,为后来者所效仿的却寥寥无几。在这为数不多的优秀冲锋枪之中,德国MP40 9mm冲锋枪当数一杰。因它周期性产生特殊的声音,因此通常也被称为“打嗝枪”。 就是这支“打嗝枪”,作为世界上第一支具有“现代”色彩的冲锋枪,在战争时期以至战后至今,对轻武器研制产生了不容置疑的影响。
The Second World War was the largest war in the history of human war. In this war, the military theories and military technologies of all countries have made considerable progress and have also exerted tremendous and far-reaching influence on the theory and practice of human war. A prominent feature of this war in research and manufacture of firearms is the massive use of submachine guns. However, among the numerous submachine guns that can be mass-produced, used on a large scale and recognized by the practice of war, very few followers have followed suit. Among the few outstanding submachine guns, the German MP40 9mm submachine gun became one of the best. It is also commonly referred to as a “hiccup gun” because it produces special sounds periodically. This “hiccup gun” was the first submachine gun in the world with “modern” colors. It had an indisputable influence on the development of light weapons during and after the war.