健康空调 健康人生——访美的空调国内营销总经理王金亮

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中国的空调业如同中国的彩电业一样,不可避免地要经过一场场激烈的市场洗礼,价格战、服务战、概念战、技术战、功能战、品牌战相互交织。经过几年激烈的市场淘汰战, 市场已逐步走向明朗化,由原来的大大小小几百家演变到目前能完整进行生产和市场运作的企业满打满算只剩下近20家,而这近20家中规模和品牌占居绝对优势的一线品牌也只有三、四家。二、三线品牌一般年产能均在50-100万台之间徘徊,而一线品牌的年产销量均在200万台以上,在整个空调市场总量占据绝对优势。专家预测,空调业有望在近三年左右时间再现中国彩电业的市场格局。为此,本刊就中国空调业市场现状和发展趋势及美的空调的发展,与美的空调国内营销总经理王金亮进行如下探讨—— China’s air-conditioning industry as China’s TV industry, inevitably have to go through a fierce market baptism, price war, service warfare, conceptual warfare, technological warfare, functional warfare, brand war intertwined. After several years of fierce market elimination war, the market has gradually become clearer, from hundreds of large and small to the current full operation of the production and operation of the business, leaving only about 20, and nearly 20 in the Size and brand occupy the absolute advantage of the first-line brand only three or four. Second, third-tier brands are generally annual production capacity between 50-100 million hovering, and first-line brand annual sales of more than 2 million units in the entire air conditioner market occupies an absolute advantage. Experts predict that the air conditioning industry is expected to reproduce the market structure of China’s color TV industry in the past three years or so. To this end, the magazine on the status of Chinese air-conditioning market and the development trend of the development of air-conditioning and the United States, and the United States Air Conditioning, Wang Jinliang, general manager of domestic marketing to explore the following -
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