Design optimizations of phase noise, power consumption and frequency tuning for VCO

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangda
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To meet the requirements of the low power Zigbee system, VCO design optimizations of phase noise, power consumption and frequency tuning are discussed in this paper. Both flicker noise of tail bias transistors and up-conversion of flicker noise from cross-coupled pair are reduced by improved self-switched biasing technology, leading to low close-in phase noise. Low power is achieved by low supply voltage and triode region biasing. To linearly tune the frequency and get constant gain, distributed varactor structure is adopted. The proposed VCO is fabricated in SMIC 0.18-μm CMOS process. The measured linear tuning range is from 2.38 to 2.61 GHz. The oscillator exhibits low phase noise of -77.5 dBc/Hz and -122.8 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz and 1 MHz offset, respectively, at 2.55 GHz oscillation frequency while dissipating 2.7 mA from 1.2 V supply voltage, which well meet design specifications. To meet the requirements of the low power Zigbee system, VCO design optimizations of phase noise, power consumption and frequency tuning are discussed in this paper. Both flicker noise of tail bias transistors and up-conversion of flicker noise from cross-coupled pair are reduced by improved self-switched biasing technology, leading to low close-in phase noise. Low power is achieved by low supply voltage and triode region biasing. The proposed VCO is fabricated in SMIC 0.18-μm CMOS process. The measured linear tuning range is from 2.38 to 2.61 GHz. The oscillator exhibits low phase noise of -77.5 dBc / Hz and -122.8 dBc / Hz at 10 kHz and 1 MHz offset, respectively, at 2.55 GHz oscillation frequency while dissipating 2.7 mA from 1.2 V supply voltage, which well meet design specifications.
井下工具自动清洗装置可用于清洗油田生产用的各类井下工具 ,具有自动化程度高、清洗工艺简单、无环境污染等特点。 Downhole tool automatic cleaning device can be used
目的研究脑脊膜血管外膜细胞瘤的诊断、组织来源、增殖与复发的关系.方法对53例肿瘤进行HE染色及6种抗体的免疫组织化学染色,光镜下观察.结果初发27例,复发26例;组织学表现为以血管为中心的血管外膜细胞增生,血管腔圆或裂隙样,肿瘤细胞圆或不规则,Ⅱ级35例,Ⅲ级18例;FⅧ53例血管内皮细胞阳性及散在少许肿瘤细胞阳性,Vimentin 53例肿瘤细胞胞浆及血管内皮细胞阳性,PCNA-LI 2.5-8
摘 要: 中职班主任在管理班级的过程中,可采用“望、闻、问、切”等方法,找出学生存在问题的原因,掌握学生的思想动态和存在的问题,具体问题具体分析,这样才能收到较好的教育效果,使班主任管理工作更加高效。  关键词: 中职教育 班主任工作 工作方法  “望、闻、问、切”是我国传统中医诊疗的方法,它是指医生对客观症状进行综合,再根据疾病特有的规律加以分析、判断,抓住主症(即主要矛盾),达到寻根溯源、对症