拓宽思路 切实维权——北京市海淀区总工会推动工会法律工作建设纪实

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海淀区总工会多年来在法律工作中认真履行维护职工合法权益的基本职责,通过建立与政府的联席会、三方协商会议制度等多种形式,参与政策制定、参政议政,以及参与涉及职工切身利益的决策活动等,努力做到依法治会、依法维权,不断提高做好工会法律工作的能力、构建和谐稳定新型劳动关系的能力、表达和维护职工合法权益的能力,努力推动工会法律工作的创新和发展。海淀区政府与区总工会的第一次联席会议于2001年年底召开,此后三方会议形成例会制度,并坚持每季度召开一次。通过对重点工作进行研究与协商,形成三方互动,在协调促进各项重要机制建设方面,充分发挥高层协调作用,进而形成企业自觉维护职工合法权益、职工自觉为 Over the years, Haidian District Federation of Trade Unions has conscientiously fulfilled its basic duties of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and staff members by participating in the formulation of policies, participating in government and government affairs, and involving the immediate interests of employees through the establishment of a joint government and tripartite consultation system. Decision-making activities and so on, and strive to rule by law, safeguarding the rights of law, and constantly improve the ability to do trade union legal work, building a harmonious and stable new labor relations ability to express and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, and strive to promote trade union legal work innovation And development. The first joint meeting between the Haidian District government and the district general union was held at the end of 2001, after which the tripartite meeting formed a regular meeting system and held a quarterly meeting. Through research and consultation on key tasks, a three-way interaction will be formed. In coordinating and promoting the construction of various important mechanisms, the coordination of higher-level personnel will be brought into full play. As a result, enterprises will consciously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers and staff members will consciously
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