《心里话》(暂定名,刊名以出版时为准)以学生为主要读者,拟选用学生喜爱的开本规格和图文装祯;《心里话》遵循普及心理知识,传授心理方法,培养心理品质,服务心理教育的办刊宗旨;《心里话》秉承科学性、普及性、教育性、趣味性和娱乐性的办刊风格;《心里话》坚持图文并茂、活泼新颖、风趣幽默、真实轻松的办刊形式;《心里话》为学生构建心理自助与助人的平台,搭起师生、生生、家长与学生理解和交流的桥梁。创办《心里话》的目的就是让学生、教师和家长, 把自己想说而没有机会说的、想说而不愿意当面说的、想说而难于启齿的心里话说出来,把真情实感表达出来。为了方便投稿,我们将《心里话》主要栏目及内容要求介绍如下:
“My heart” (tentative name, title prevail at the time of publication) Students as the main reader, intended to use the students favorite format specifications and graphic decoration Zhenzhong; follow the popularization of psychological knowledge, teaching psychological methods, training Psychological quality, service psychological education, the purpose of running; “words” adhering to the scientific, popular, educational, interesting and entertaining style of operation; “words” adhere to the illustrated, lively and innovative, humorous, authentic and easy The “inner truth” builds a psychological self-help and helping platform for students, and builds a bridge between teachers and students, students and students, parents and students. The purpose of starting a “heartbreaking story” is to let students, teachers and parents express their true feelings through words that they want to say but do not want to say in person, and who want to say but are hard to tell. In order to facilitate posting, we will “heart” main section and content requirements are as follows: