在这个行业,规则是一种制度,潜规则是一种游戏。遵守制度的人,只能被人领导,而读懂游戏规则的人才能如鱼得水2009年,吴彬的《十八应真图卷》拍到了1.68亿元,中国书画拍卖市场由此进入了亿元时代。2010年,张大干的《笑痕湖》拍出1.008亿元,徐悲鸿的《巴人汲水图》1.8亿元,王羲之《平安帖》3.08亿元。201 1年春拍,王蒙的《稚川移居图》拍出了4.025亿元。直到2011年5月,齐白石的《松柏高立图·篆书四言联》拍出创纪录的4.255亿。
In this industry, rules are a system, unspoken rules is a game. People who abide by the system can only be led by people who understand the rules of the game can be like a duck in 2009, Wu Bin’s “18 should be true picture” photographed 168 million yuan, Chinese painting and calligraphy market thus entered a billion era. In 2010, Zhang Daqian’s “Smile Lake” shot 100.8 million yuan, Xu Beihong’s “Pakistani Kap Shui map” 180 million yuan, Wang Xizhi “safe posts” 308 million yuan. In the spring of 201 1, Wang Meng’s “Chih-Chuan Emigrant Figure” produced 402.5 million yuan. Until May 2011, Qi Baishi’s “Pinetop Gaolitu map seal four words Alliance” shot a record 425.5 million.