The average age was 48 years old (32-66 years old). The average drinking history was 23 years (ranged from 6 to 48 years). The daily average of drinking alcoholic liquor was 0.26 liters (0.1 to 1 liter) with an average duration of 1 year and 4 months month. The main symptoms walking instability in 14 cases, 11 cases of fatigue, dizziness in 7 cases, speaking slowed in 7 cases, upper limb jitter in 9 cases, clumsiness in 5 cases. 19 cases of cerebellar signs: walking in a straight line can not be 18 cases, with the knee shin test was positive in 14 cases, Ambient sign positive in 12 cases, 11 cases of unsteady gait, finger nose is not allowed in 8 cases, speech slow