At present, there are three hot issues in China’s economy: First, is the rate of economic growth in China in recent years, according to the government, an average of 7% and 8% per year? Is it true? Second, starting from the second half of 2002, By the third half of 2003, did China’s economic growth not overheat? Thirdly, that is, the current international discussions have undisputedly wondered whether China’s RMB should not rise in value in the first half of 2003. Is China’s economic growth in recent years not? Since the beginning of China’s reform in 1978, the annual average growth rate of gross domestic product has been as high as 9.3%. Over the 24 years, China’s economy has more than tripled. If we regard 1978 as one hundred, by the end of 2002, our economy will have reached 850. This is indeed something that has never happened before in human history, which is far beyond our expectations. At that time, Comrade Xiaoping proposed that the national economy quadruple the 20-year period and, like most people, I think it is impossible to achieve. The quadrupling of 20 years means that in 2002 it will be 5.1 times that of 1978. While the actual figure is 8.5 times that of the previous target of nearly 60%. In the past 24 years, the average annual foreign trade growth rate has reached 15.2%, an increase of 30 times. In 1978, our so-called trade dependence, that is, the ratio of import plus export to GDP, was only 9.5%. It has risen to 50% in 2002, which is the highest among all the major powers in the world. Only 22% of the United States. Japan is about 17%. In the process of reform and opening up over the past two decades, it often happens that as soon as the government relaxes