汉语语法的研究最早是建立在西方语法研究的基础之上的 ,因此它从一开始就不可避免地要受西方语法理论的影响。“主语”这一概念即是从英语引进来的。但汉英毕竟属于不同的语系 ,英语语法的理论可能适应也可能不适应于汉语语法。本文就汉英句子何时不用主语作一浅析并作些比较 ,以此来揭示汉英语言差异的本质。
The study of Chinese grammar was based on the study of western grammar at first, so it was unavoidable from the very beginning that Western grammar theory should influence it. The concept of “subject” is imported from English. However, after all, Chinese and English belong to different language families. The theory of English grammar may or may not be adapted to Chinese grammar. This article will give an analysis of the essence of the differences between Chinese and English when we do not make a comparison between Chinese and English sentences without subject.