Correct understanding of the concept of geometry is a prerequisite for mastery of the basics of geometry. How to enable students to correctly understand it? From the perspective of imparting knowledge, teachers can distinguish between the essence of the concept and the non-essential things, to explain clearly to the students, even if the task is completed. I used to do that. However, students remember the concept of definition, but not necessarily “correct understanding.” Because the concept itself is abstracted from the intuitionistic image, it does not pay attention to the connection between the formation of the concept and the concept, and the students can not understand the concept completely. Therefore, when I now count math concepts, I pay attention to explain the formation of concepts and pay attention to both effort in imparting knowledge and developing abilities. Take the concept of corner as an example. First, let students observe the table corner and the blackboard corner in the classroom. Then they observe the angle of roofing through the doors and windows.