五、六月,在北京发生动乱直至反革命暴乱期间,肩负首都副食品生产任务的市农工商联合总公司广大干部、职工,坚守岗位,坚持生产,以平均日上市副食品150万公斤的成绩,为保障北京人民正常生活秩序做出了贡献。 5月20日以来,这家公司在事态不断恶化,交通严重受阻的情况下,克服重重困难,积极组织货源,保证大批副食品上市。为了保证市民每天吃上鲜奶,该公司下属的牛奶公司4000名职工迈开双
In May and June, during the turmoil in Beijing and during the counter-revolutionary riots, the cadres and workers of the joint venture of agriculture, industry and commerce affiliated to the capital responsible for the production of non-staple foods in the capital held their posts and insisted on production to average 1.5 million kilograms of non-staple foods on the market. We have made our due contribution to safeguarding the normal life order of the people in Beijing. Since May 20, this company has overcome difficulties in a deteriorating situation and severely hindered traffic. It actively organized sources of goods and guaranteed listing of a large number of non-staple food products. In order to ensure that the public eat fresh milk every day, the company’s milk company 4,000 employees step in double