名家辈出 指法鲜明——高其佩及其弟子创造的指画艺术

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在艺术发展史上,一个绘画流派的形成,会受到许多外在因素的影响,比如当时的社会环境、人文状况、文化氛围和地域背景等等。但决定画派形成与发展最关键的因素,还在于其内在的两种属性:其一是画家领军人物的诞生,以及部分追随者队伍的形成;其二是艺术家创立了明确的绘画技法,形成了较为通用的用笔符号、笔墨形式。清朝指头绘画形成于康熙、雍正年间,在乾隆时期逐渐形成指画流派,为后世留存了大量的艺术作品。本文通过《指头生活三百年:高其佩与指头画展》所展览的众多作品,对指画流派的形成以及指画家的主要指法与技巧等进行首次探讨。 In the history of art development, the formation of a school of painting will be influenced by many external factors, such as the social environment, human condition, cultural atmosphere and geographical background at the time. However, the decisive factor in the formation and development of the school of painting is still its intrinsic two characteristics: one is the birth of the painter’s leader, and the formation of some followers; the other is that the artist has established a clear technique of painting to form The more common pen symbol, pen and ink form. Qing Dynasty finger painting was formed in the Kangxi and Yongzheng years, gradually formed in the Qianlong period of finger painting genre, retained for future generations a large number of works of art. This article first explores the formation of the genre of finger painting and the main fingernails and techniques of the artist through the numerous works exhibited in “Three Hundred Years of Finger Life: Gao Qipei and Finger Painting Exhibition”.