欣逢《公关世界》十岁生日,我代表《公关世界》编委会向广大读者、作者,向全国公关界同仁,向各界朋友表示感谢! 《公关世界》创刊不久,就赶上了中国公关由高潮转入低潮,处境十分艰难。全国多数公关媒体被迫相继停办或“转产”。但是,《公关世界》在各界朋友的关爱和支持下,不仅幸免于”难”,而且不断有所改进和提高。为此,理应向各界朋友诚致谢意! 我还要代表编委会向奋战在办刊第一线的同志们表
On the tenth anniversary of “PR World”, on behalf of the Editorial Board of PR World, I would like to express my gratitude to the readers, authors and colleagues in the PR community for their friends from all walks of life. PR Newswire Turn from climax to low tide, the situation is very difficult. Most of the public relations media in the country were forced to stop or “turn around” one after another. However, with the care and support of friends from all walks of life, the “PR world” has not only survived the “difficulties” but also improved and improved continuously. For this reason, we should sincerely thank all friends from all walks of life, and I would like to represent the editorial board to the comrades in the front line