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以解剖显微镜及扫描电镜观测了豚鼠肝内胆管和血管的甲基丙烯酸甲酯聚合法取代铸型15个。铸型显示豚鼠肝内胆管和肝动脉相伴而行,二者分支型式和分叉角相似,均为主侧支型分布,依所在肝叶的大小和形状不同,主支有7~11级不等。主支多为二分叉型,分叉角平均为52.4°±13.05(N=158)。各级主支都发出许多细小侧支,侧支与主支的夹角多为90°。豚鼠的整个胆管树均有明显的血管丛缠绕。依胆管径的大小可分为两种类型的胆管周围血管丛:胆管径大于95~100μm 时,其胆管周围血管丛呈网鞘样;胆管径小于95~100μm 时,其胆管周围血管丛是纵行小动脉性的。测量了78支血管丛,其长度范围为2000~4000μm 的占79.5%,依纵行小动脉的起源和行程可以断定其血流方向与其围绕的胆管内胆汁流方向相反。 15 anatomical and scanning electron microscopes were used to investigate the intracellular bile duct and blood vessels in guinea pigs. Casting shows guinea pig intrahepatic bile duct and hepatic artery accompanied by line, both the branch type and bifurcation angle are similar, are the main collateral distribution, depending on the size and shape of the liver lobes are different, the main branch with 7 to 11 not Wait. Main branch mostly bifurcated type, the average bifurcation angle of 52.4 ° ± 13.05 (N = 158). The main branch at all levels are issued many small side branches, side branches and the main branches of the angle of mostly 90 °. The guinea pig’s entire biliary tree has obvious vascular bundle. According to the size of the bile duct diameter can be divided into two types of biliary perivascular vascular plexus: bile duct diameter greater than 95 ~ 100μm, the biliary peribundular vascular plexus was sheath-like; biliary diameter less than 95 ~ 100μm, the biliary perivascular plexus is longitudinal Arteriolar. Measurement of 78 vascular plexus, the length of the range of 2000 ~ 4000μm accounted for 79.5%, according to the origin and stroke of longitudinal arterioles can be concluded that the direction of its blood flow and its surrounding bile duct flow in the opposite direction.
2013年11月26日,美国疾病预防控制中心(Center for Disease Control and Prevention,CDC)痘病毒实验室,收到波士顿公共卫生委员会(Boston Public Health Commission,BPHC)报
本文采用醋酸纤维薄膜电泳法发现一种快泳异常血红蛋白,电泳(pH8.6)速度相当于HbJ组。化学结构分析证明此变异体为Hb JBangkok[β56(D7)Gly→Asp]。先证者系江西上饶籍,家系