据本报调查显示:2000年,82%的国有企业受到过病毒或黑客的攻击。而建立了内部网的国有企业有82.3%,可见,建立了内部网的企业基本都遭受了病毒或黑客的攻击。在已建成内部网的企业中,86%使用了防火墙,27.9%使用了加密产品,27.6%使用了内部检测产品。90.3%的被访者认为病毒防护最重要,81.7%的被访者认为防止来自 Internet 的恶意入侵的重要性次之,并列排名第三的为服务器及数据库应用的访问控制和内部用户口令管理、安全审计(均为75.9%),第四、五位为数据加密、虚拟企业网(59.4%)和身份鉴别、电子签名(58.8%)。从以上数字不难看出,我们的企业亟需安全防护措施来保障自身。然而在调查中,我们还发现,企业在选择安全解决方案或了解安全产品发展趋势时,仍存在很多问题。究竟如何为自己的企业构建网络安全运行环境呢?我们认为,企业应该首先进行网络安全咨询,摸清自己的脉络,然后再根据实际情况设计整体解决方案,反复论证后,才能落实到产品,一步步实现安全的网络运行环境,简单概括就是要做到望、闻、听、切,才能药到病除。
According to our survey, in 2000, 82% of state-owned enterprises were attacked by viruses or hackers. However, 82.3% of the state-owned enterprises that set up an intranet can see that the enterprises that set up their intranet have basically been attacked by viruses or hackers. In the built-in intranet business, 86% used a firewall, 27.9% used encrypted products, and 27.6% used internal inspection products. 90.3% of the respondents considered the virus protection as the most important, 81.7% of the respondents considered the importance of preventing malicious intrusion coming from the Internet, followed by the third ranked server and database application access control and internal user password management, Security audits (both 75.9%), the fourth and fifth for data encryption, virtual enterprise network (59.4%) and identity authentication, electronic signature (58.8%). It is not difficult to see from the above figures that our enterprises urgently need safety precautions to protect themselves. However, during the survey, we also found that there are still many problems when enterprises choose security solutions or understand the development trend of security products. How to build their own network security operating environment? In our opinion, companies should first network security consulting, find out their own context, and then design the overall solution based on the actual situation, after repeated demonstration in order to implement the product, a step Steps to achieve a safe network operating environment, a simple summary is to look, smell, listen, cut, in order to cure the disease.