文化站在农村起着举足轻重的作用, 是宣传党的政策、方针的前沿阵地,同时又是传播先进文化,传播科技知识,培训农村广大农民脱贫致富的课堂。我省在上世纪90年代提出了打造文化大省的战略,出现了沿丝绸之路乡乡有文化站的可喜局面。但好景不长,已建成的文化站多处于瘫痪半瘫痪状态。其原因有三:首先是经费投入不足。当地政府虽想了一些办法,给文化站订了报刊杂志,发动社会力量捐了部分书籍。但因为所捐的书籍
Cultural stations play a decisive role in the rural areas. They are the forefront of propaganda of the party’s policies and guidelines. They are also spreading advanced cultures, disseminating scientific and technological knowledge, and training the vast majority of peasants in rural areas to shake off poverty and enrich themselves in the classroom. In the 90s of last century, our province put forward the strategy of building a major cultural province. There has been a welcome situation of cultural stations along the Silk Road in rural areas. However, it will not be long and the cultural centers that have been built will be paralyzed and paralyzed. There are three reasons for this: First, there is insufficient funding. Although the local government thought a number of ways, set a newspaper and magazine to the cultural station, mobilized social forces donated some books. But because of the books donated