本文通过比较中国学者辜正坤与外国学者Arthur Waley对中国古典文献道德经第一章的翻译,来探讨中国古典文献翻译中应体现的对原作中所表达的整个中国文化内涵的准确理解。旨在得出结论:古典文献翻译应力求做到既准确传达中国文化精神,又应力争做到使用地道的英语,让外国人能真正读懂,这实在是一件很不容易的事情。目前所比较的这二位学者的翻译,各自都有许多精彩的地方,当然也有个别不如人意的地方。对于其不如人意之处,能否给出更好的译文?这正是本文想要进一步探讨的问题。
By comparing the Chinese scholar Gu Zhengkun with the foreign scholar Arthur Waley’s translation of the first chapter of the Chinese classical literature, this essay explores the accurate understanding of the whole Chinese cultural connotation in the translation of classical Chinese literature as embodied in the original. The purpose of this paper is to conclude that the translation of classical Chinese literature should aim at accurately conveying the spirit of Chinese culture and striving to use authentic English so that foreigners can really understand it. This is indeed a very difficult task. At present, the translations of these two scholars have each had many wonderful places, of course, there are also some unsatisfactory places. For its unsatisfactory place, can we give a better translation? This is exactly what the paper wants to explore further.