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一原始的医疗活动从古人类的考古发掘资料和对现代的某些文化仍停留在若干万年前的少数民族生活的观察,可以知道在原始社会里,人们由于经常受到野兽和自然灾害的侵袭,人们用以从事生产的石器、木棒也是十分粗糙的,因此,常有被野兽咬伤、矢石创伤等疾患发生。同时,人们因为度着“茹毛饮血,穴居野处”的生活,因而常发生胃肠病和寄生虫病等疾患。人们在患病的痛苦中,寻找医疗的方法,便产生了原始医疗活动。所以巴甫洛夫说:“有人类便有医疗的活动”。这些医疗活动,都是劳动人民所创造的。 An Original Medical Activity From the archeological excavations of ancient human beings and the observation of the ethnic life that still existed in some cultures of the past thousands of years ago, we can see that in the primitive society, people often suffer from beasts and natural disasters , People used to engage in the production of stone, wood stick is very rough, therefore, often beast bites, rock trauma and other diseases occur. In the meantime, people often suffer from diseases such as gastrointestinal diseases and parasitic diseases because of their “rough living, burrowing” lives. People in the pain of illness, looking for medical methods, they have produced the original medical activities. So Pavlov said: “There are human beings have medical activities.” These medical activities are created by the working people.
我们对17例ALL 58次HD-MTX治疗,出现的副作用及处理进行了总结分析,认为:(1)副作用以呕吐、发热及药物性肝炎多见;(2)发热可能与MTX直接脑毒性有关;(3)药物性肝损害表现为GPT
随着科学技术水平和人民生活水平的提高 ,手术日趋精细 ,不仅要求解除病人痛苦 ,还要尽可能保留脏器完整及生理功能[1] 。应用宫腔镜电切术经宫颈切除子宫内膜、内膜息肉、粘
SLE是一种主要累及育龄女性的自身免疫性疾病。在生育期的女性和男性中 ,SLE发病率之比约为 9∶1 ,成年前和迟发SLE的老年患者其比值却低得多。停经后首发SLE的患者不常见 ,而且这类患者
本文介绍变异胰岛素的检测方法、临术特点及其与糖尿病的关系。 This article describes the detection of variant insulin, its clinical features and its relationship