《蒙古秘史》中数字的形式已变为标准文学形式的口传历史 ,常常保留着最初用于帮助记忆及传承的各种各样的技巧 ,但在后来的稿本中这一点并不为人们所认识。这类例证包括记忆术的头韵体系、史诗的夸张及文化意义上的对史实的歪曲。成书于 13世纪的《蒙古秘史》就是这类文献的典
The form of numbers in the “Secret History of Mongolia” has become the oral history of standard literary forms and often retains the various techniques originally used to facilitate memory and inheritance, but this is not what people later understanding. Such examples include the rhyming system of memory, the exaggeration of epic poetry, and the distortion of historical facts in the cultural sense. The Book of Mongolian Secret History, which was written in the 13th century, is a typical example of such literature