男患,41岁,住院号87487。发作性尿频急、尿痛20余年,长期在院外按尿路感染治疗。近2个月膀胱刺激症状加重。中西药物治疗无效。经直肠指诊可触及拳头大肿物、质地硬、做B超因不能憋尿而失败,做CT诊断膀胱内巨大结石,随入院手术。既往无外伤史。入院查体:T36 C BP13OKPa。消瘦貌,心肺正常。下腹可触及一包块、质硬。化验尿:PH6.0,比重1.025,WBC5个,RBC1个,PC1个。腹平片:位于膀胱区见一个9.5×9.5cm大小的呈同心圆样的密度增加影。诊断膀胱巨大结石。 手术所见:切开膀胱,脓性尿液少许,结石占
Male patient, 41 years old, hospital number 87487. Episodic urinary frequency, dysuria more than 20 years, long-term treatment of urinary tract infection in the hospital. Bladder irritation aggravated in the past 2 months. Chinese and Western drug treatment is invalid. Rectal fingerprinting can reach large fist mass, texture hard, do B-because of failure to hold back urine, do CT diagnosis of large stones in the bladder, with the admission surgery. No previous history of trauma. Admission examination: T36 C BP13OKPa. Thin appearance, normal heart and lungs. Lower abdomen can reach a mass, hard. Urine test: PH6.0, the proportion of 1.025, WBC5, RBC1, PC1. Abdominal flat sheet: located in the bladder area to see a 9.5 × 9.5cm size was concentric-like increase in density. Diagnosis of bladder huge stones. Surgical findings: cut the bladder, a little purulent urine, stones accounted for