红薯新品系“85—2399”,具有高产、质优、抗病、耐贮的优点,已在我省种植近2万亩,目前,种植面积仍在继续扩大,本试验的目的是确定该品系的适宜栽插期范围,为进一步扩大推广提供依据。 一、试验基本情况 本试验设四个栽插期,依次为5月25日、6月10日、6月25日和7月10日,可满足本省红薯栽培面积最大的麦薯连作地的需要。随机区组排列,重复四次,小区面积3厘,密度为每亩4000株。酿热地膜保温育苗,3月13日下种。大田肥力中上等,生育期间未追肥、抗旱、治虫。
The new sweet potato line “85-2399” has the advantages of high yield, high quality, disease resistance and storability. Nearly 20,000 mu have been planted in our province. At present, the planting area is still expanding. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the strain Suitable range of planting period, to provide the basis for further expansion of promotion. First, the basic situation of the experiment set four planting period, followed by May 25, June 10, June 25 and July 10, to meet the province’s largest sweet potato cultivation area of continuous cropping needs . Randomized block arrangement, repeated four times, the plot area of 3 centimeters, the density of 4000 plants per acre. Breeding hot film insulation incubation, March 13 under the planted. Field Fertility in the finest, not fertilized during childbirth, drought, pest control.