山西省汾西县第二小学是一所六轨制完全小学。全校共有教学班38个,在校学生2275人;教职工1 10人,其中,本科学历52人,专科学历52人,中师学历6人;省级教学能手3人,省级优秀班主任8人,市级教学能手16人,市级优秀班主任10人;先后有5人被评为省级模范;1 6人被评为市级模范。作为一所百年老校,汾西县第二小学为全县教育事业的改革发展作出了显著的贡献,成为县、市知名,全县闻名的小学教育先进学校。2009年,在基础教育课改大潮中,学校启动了“问题导学”模式下生本课堂改革实验,全面实施了生本课堂教学模式改革,使学校教研教改工作跨入全市、全省先进行列。201 1年,学校被确定为山西省“课题引领课改搭建学生自主发展平台行动研究”实验学校;2012年,校长刘元英、副校长范佩俊应邀参加了“潞城市育才小学课程文化特色研究展示”暨“山西省小学特色学校建设与
Fenxi County, Shanxi Province, the second primary school is a six-track system complete primary school. The school has a total of 38 classes of teaching, 2275 students; faculty and 10, of whom 52 were bachelor degrees, 52 were specialist qualifications, 6 qualifications in secondary education; provincial teaching experts 3, 8 provincial-level outstanding teacher , Municipal teaching experts 16 people, municipal excellent teacher in charge of 10 people; successively 5 people were rated as provincial model; 16 people were rated as model city. As a hundred-year-old school, Fenxi County No.2 Primary School made a significant contribution to the reform and development of education in the county and became a well-known primary school education advanced school in the county and city. In 2009, in the tide of basic education curriculum reform, the school started the experiment of reforming students’ livelihood in the mode of ”Guiding the Students with Problems“ and implemented the reform of teaching mode of students in primary schools across the whole province, Advanced column. In 201 1, the school was identified as Shanxi Province ”subject leading the curriculum reform independent research platform for action research “ experimental school; 2012, principal Liu Yuanying, vice president Fan Peijun was invited to participate in ”Lucheng Yucai primary school curriculum cultural characteristics Show “cum ” primary school in Shanxi Province with the construction of schools