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能源已经越来越成为全世界的战略问题,围绕着能源的国际争夺越来越激烈。人们普遍认为,美国发动伊拉克战争,插手中东事务,最主要原因就是为了控制那里的石油资源,进而控制全球的石油供求。中国经济自2003年进入新一轮高速增长周期以来,再次遭遇能源瓶颈的阻击。未来中国石油对海外资源的过度依赖和国际市场极大的不可预测性,将给中国的经济可持续发展带来巨大阴影。中国政府计划,在本世纪前半叶,力争用三个15年的时间,实现能源可持续发展的目标。 Energy has increasingly become a strategic issue all over the world, and international competition around energy is becoming more and more intense. It is generally believed that the main reason why the United States launched the Iraq war and intervened in the Middle East affairs was to control the oil resources there and to control the global oil supply and demand. Since China’s economy entered a new round of high-speed growth cycle in 2003, it has once again encountered a bottleneck in energy bottlenecks. In the future, PetroChina over-reliance on overseas resources and the great unpredictability of the international market will bring a huge shadow to China’s sustainable economic development. The Chinese government plans to achieve the goal of sustainable energy development in three 15-year periods in the first half of this century.
苏轼因其诗、词、散文里所表现的豪迈气概、丰富的思想内容和独特的艺术风格,历来为人称道。中学教材选了他的《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》和《赤壁赋》作为范文,这绝非偶然。  一词一赋,均选材赤壁。词中,苏轼将赤壁之景写得如此奇特壮丽:乱石空空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪;周瑜是如此英雄:先有“小乔初嫁”,再有“羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭”。而赋中,亦有“清风徐来,水波不兴,”“白露横江,水光接天”的美景。  然而
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