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第十七掌:经销商“贪得无厌”怎么办?案例:零售终端是工厂与消费者见面的窗口,不论是大型超市、连锁店,还是餐饮酒店,在市场中占据着重要的位置,其表现出的消费特点是市场影响力强,产品消费量大。正是因为其所具有的特殊性,因此对厂家的要求便较为苛刻,什么进店费、店庆费、销售奖励、商品促销、人力导购、售点宣传等等,门槛越来越高,虽然如此,各厂家挣得也可谓不亦乐乎。而作为联系厂家和终端纽带的经销商,往往利用这些条件,向厂家狮子大开口。X 矿泉水厂因其良好的水源,在当地具有一定的市场知名度,市场营销模式是采取特许的方式进行市场运作,借助经销商对市场的掌控,来达到稳定市场竞争秩序的目的。李某是 X 矿泉水的代理商之一,其经营以商超和批发为主,虽然饮料市场的竞争越演越烈,但李某依靠其渠道资源优势,产品销售一直比较稳定,厂家对其也是另眼相看,可有一点总是让厂家左右为难,就是李某无休 Seventeenth palm: dealer “greedy ” how to do? Case: retail terminal is the factory and consumers to meet the window, whether it is a large supermarket, chain stores, or restaurants, occupy an important position in the market, its performance The characteristics of the consumer out of the market is strong influence, product consumption. It is precisely because of its particularities, so the requirements of the manufacturers will be more demanding, what into the store costs, store festivals, sales incentives, product promotions, shopping guide, point of sale promotion, etc., the threshold is getting higher and higher, though , The manufacturers earn too can enjoy themselves. And as a link to the manufacturers and distributors of terminals, often use these conditions, large openings to the factory lion. X mineral water plant because of its good water sources, in the local market has a certain visibility, marketing model is to take the form of a franchise market operation, with the help of dealers on the market to achieve the purpose of stabilizing the market competition order. Lee is one of the mineral water X agents, and its business mainly to supermarkets and wholesale, although the beverage market competition intensified, but Lee rely on its channel resources, product sales have been relatively stable, manufacturers of its Is also a different look, there is always something that manufacturers dilemma is Lee endless