李耕(1885—1965)字砚农,号一琴道人,福建仙游人,生前为福建省美协副主席。李耕以画仙写佛而著称,并工山水,花鸟,其古典人物画卓然自成一家,享誉国内外。李耕的艺术不仅是福建美术界的瑰宝,更为全国美术界所注目。 李耕出生、成长干一个绘画的世家。祖父李泰为民间画师,其父李墀,颇精画艺,尤长工笔肖像画,李耕置根于乡村,从小就生活在民间艺术的氛围里。 少年时代的李耕,家境艰难。处于社会低层的他,生活拮据,随父离家从事流浪卖画的生涯。其父李墀具有一定的远见卓识,并不急于传授画艺,而是让他广泛地拜当地的秀才为师,学习古典文学、诗
Li Geng (1885-1965) word Yannong, No. a musician, immortal tourists in Fujian, before his death Fujian Provincial Association for vice chairman. Li Geng is famous for painting the fairy Buddha, and works landscapes, flowers and birds, its classical figure Zoran form a family, renowned at home and abroad. Li Geng’s art is not only a treasure of the art world in Fujian, but also attracts more attention of the national art community. Li Geng was born and grew up doing a painting family. His grandfather Li Tai is a folk artist, his father, Li Xun, quite fine art, especially his portrait paintings, Li Geng set in rural areas, grew up living in folk art atmosphere. Li Geng childhood, family difficult. At a low level in society, he lives in a tight environment and lives off his father’s home as a painter and painter. His father, Li Kui, has a certain foresight and is not in a hurry to teach art painting. Instead, he is widely acclaimed as a local scholar to study classical literature and poetry