一、概况 盐井沟是成昆铁路沿线上一条活动日趋频繁、规模不断增大的灾害性泥石流沟。自1970年5月26日晚首次暴发矿山人为泥石流以来,较大规模的泥石流常有发生,给国家经济建设和人民生命财产造成了严重损失,仅1970年一次泥石流暴发就造成104人死亡。由于盐井沟泥石流把大量泥沙、石块向下游输送,不仅严重地威胁成昆铁路孙水关大桥的安全,而且加
I. Overview Yanjinggou is a disaster along the Chengdu-Kunming Railway line increasingly frequent activities, increasing the size of the debris flow ditch. Since the first outbreak of mine debris flow on the night of May 26, 1970, large-scale debris flows have often taken place, causing serious losses to the country’s economic construction and people’s lives and property. In 1970 alone, 104 people were killed in a landslide. Due to the salt stream gully debris flow to a large number of sediment, stones to the downstream, not only a serious threat to Cheng-Kun Railway Sun Shui Guan bridge safety, and plus