如何概括、评价、总结14年商业体制改革,是一个比较复杂的问题。因为这14年改革,内容极为丰富,过程曲折起伏,时间跨度也大,有些改革措施正在实施过程,尚难定论。我们应当按照建设有中国特色的社会主义理论,进一步解放思想,持全面的、发展的、辩证的观点来进行评述。 14年来,商业体制改革大致可分为三个阶段: 第一阶段(1979~1985年)改革措施对
How to summarize, evaluate and summarize the 14-year business system reform is a more complicated issue. Because of this 14-year reform, the content is extremely rich, the process is turbulent, and the time span is also large. Some reform measures are in the process of implementation and it is still difficult to draw conclusions. We should further emancipate the mind according to the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and review it with a comprehensive, developing, and dialectical viewpoint. In the past 14 years, the commercial system reform can be roughly divided into three stages: The first stage (1979-1985) reform measures