
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ntyiran
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After dividing the source regions of the Yellow River into 38 sub-basins, the paper made use of the SWAT model to simulate streamflow with validation and calibration of the observed yearly and monthly runoff data from the Tangnag hydrological station, and simulation results are satisfactory. Five land-cover scenario models and 24 sets of temperature and precipitation combinations were established to simulate annual runoff and runoff depth under different scenarios. The simulation shows that with the increasing of vegetation coverage annual runoff increases and evapotranspiration decreases in the basin. When temperature decreases by 2oC and precipitation increases by 20%, catchment runoff will increase by 39.69%, which is the largest situation among all scenarios. After dividing the source regions of the Yellow River into 38 sub-basins, the paper made use of the SWAT model to simulate streamflow with validation and calibration of the observed yearly and monthly runoff data from the Tangnag hydrological station, and the simulation results are satisfactory. Five land-cover scenario models and 24 sets of temperature and precipitation combinations were established to simulate an annual runoff and runoff depth under different scenarios. The simulation shows that with increasings of the vegetation coverage annual runoff increases and evapotranspiration decreases in the basin. by 2oC and precipitation increases by 20%, catchment runoff will increase by 39.69%, which is the largest situation among all scenarios.
我们班有一个“小劳模”——喬欣妍。她平时在班里特别不起眼,但干起活来,就完全不一样了,三下两下就把教室打扫干净。瞧,她又在帮着打扫走廊呢。  四年级时,我和她同一天值日,她什么活都抢着干,排桌子,扫地……刚开始我们都有些不适应,嫌她不和我们分担,还怀疑她故意在老师面前表现自己。渐渐地,我们才发现她真的很爱劳动,而且特别麻利,总是把教室打扫得干干净净。  升上五年级,我和她又同时成为图书管理员。在同
毛泽东生活方面的爱好十分广泛。他喜欢雪、竹子、梅花;喜欢爬山、晒太阳;更喜欢游泳。他是一个深爱大自然的人。 1 1962年的冬天,北京落下了这年的第一场大雪。 卫士周福明
1 病历报告  患儿,女,12岁,因走路不稳、吐字不清1年余入院。患儿于1年前感觉左膝疼痛并走路不稳,X线片示左胫骨上端囊性变(1cm×1cm×1cm),未予特殊治疗。1个月后疼痛消
她是中国历史上唯一的女皇帝,前无古人,后无来者;   她是女中须眉,拥有铁血之性,是封建时代杰出的女政治家。   武则天,中国历史上一个响当当的名字。   武则天,名曌,唐代并州文水(今山西文水县)人,唐高祖武德六年(623年)出生于长安。父亲武士彟因积极帮助李渊父子在太原起兵,成为唐朝开国功臣。母亲是隋朝宗室宰相杨达之女,明诗习礼。武则天自幼博览群书,诗词歌赋样样精通,而且长于书法。  