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  In the film The Devil Wears Prada the 1)titular character is a fashion 2)bigwig who is synonymous with the very personification of evil, played by
  3)Meryl Streep. The character is depicted as anything but 4)Satanically undesirable as a role model. While it is true that the other major character ultimately rejects emulating her mentor in the end, the fashion industry is presented as 5)cutthroat but necessary. In reality, of course, the fashion industry is absolutely unne-cessary; anyone could very easily get along with just enough clothing to protect themselves from the 6)elements. But fashion is a very necessary part of capita-list economics, especially as it relates to 7)inculcating the idea of consumption as a means of gaining social status.
  One particularly interesting aspect of the fashion industry has been the growth of popularity of handbags and purses. While there can be no argument that purses are a material good, that aspect has been 8)superseded in an attempt to 9)foist them as icons of status. To how great an extent has the
  10)utilitarian purse become a symbol of wealth and status? Consider that as far back at the late 90s handbags were going for up to $10,000 during auctions at Sotheby’s. What may be even more interesting than that someone would actually pay that much money for a product they could easily get for $10 at any Wal-Mart in America is how quickly the ori-ginal idea behind high fashion changed.
  The origins of high fashion and
  11)haute couture lie in the idea of exclusivity. Fashion was designed originally to further 12)delineate the dividing line between the haves and the have-nots; or, to be more precise, between those with status and those without. Fashion has historically been a means by which the wealthy could individuate themselves from the lowly pack; the rich could afford things the poor could not and that simple fact served to further mark their position as somehow better and more deserving than the poor.
  Over the course of the latter half of the twentieth-century, however, as credit cards took off, more people became able to buy—if not nece-ssarily afford—fashionable items. It is interesting to note the correlation between easily accessible credit and the fashion industry’s embrace of a new theory that 13)eschewed the traditional exclusivity in favor of transforming high fashion all the way down the wage line. Rather than relying upon the super-rich to keep the fashion companies afloat, top designers from Halston to Louis Vuitton to Dooney & Burke began to design handbags with hefty price tags for those who could afford them along with nearly identical handbags with lesser, though by no means cheap, price tags for those who couldn’t. And, in fact, there is much to suggest that those buying the low-priced versions cannot afford them either.
  One of capitalism’s greatest weapons is the idea of collectibility. And the handbag or purse might well be considered—along with shoes, of course—the female equivalent of baseball trading cards or comic books. Many jokes have been made at the expense of how many different shoes the average woman has—though the ridiculous cost of those shoes, which is often in inverse ratio to the amount of material that necessary to design them, is no laughing matter. As the handbag has moved from its humble utilitarian origins to becoming a fashion necessity, something very odd occurred. No longer is the purse consi-dered for its value as a carrying case. The handbag, like footwear before it, has officially moved into that heady sphere that all businesses crave: the object of obsession.
  Over the years handbag designs have moved from a reflection of its necessity to novelty to the point now where it just seems to be a game designers play to see who can come up with most outrageous idea. And following in 14)drooling 15)lockstep with the designers are those who will buy any and all just for the purpose of owning it and, even more importantly, letting people know they own it. The story of Sarah Papadopalous is, unfortunately, not unique. Sarah admits to owning so many designer handbags that she can’t even keep them all at her house; many of them must be stored at her parent’s house.
  The handbags that women like Sarah buy are clearly not just products to be used, but products to be exhibited. And getting more of them than can even fit inside one’s domicile is evidence that Marx was not being hopelessly 16)polemical when he foresaw a society that attached 17)fetishistic qualities to inanimate objects 18)en masse. The fashion industry is only the most visibly obvious when it comes to how accumulating products has become a means toward gaining some false sense of status and popularity.


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