他与矿山结缘——记吉林省、白山市人大代表 临江市金银矿矿长董安华

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汽车在蜿蜒的盘山公路上颠簸了两个多小时,我们终于来到了临江市金银矿。迎接我们的是一位典型的东北大汉,他就是我们这次要采访的吉林省第十届人大代表、白山市第四届人大代表、临江市金银矿矿长董安华。通过采访,董安华与矿山结缘的一段段感人故事,使我们对他不禁油然而生敬佩之情。危难之时显身手临江市金银矿原名为浑江市铅锌矿,是一个有着40多年历史的老国有企业,有职工1152人,固定资产4000万元。历史上曾为浑江市的经济发展做出过贡献。但由于矿源不足、企业管理不善等诸多因素的影响,到1998年底,企业拖欠职工工资12个月,欠各种税费2000多万元,职工人心涣散,矿区秩序混乱,盗公现象严重,上访者成群结队,职工要求补发工资,重病号要求住院治疗,因欠电费每天只供电4个小时,夜晚全矿区一片漆黑,企业已经到了破产的边缘。1999年5月,董安华只身来到了矿山,面对这样的烂摊子,有胆有识的他毅然决然租赁了这个企业,企业更名为临江市金银矿。从此,他与矿山结下了不解的情缘。 Cars in the Winding winding road bumpy more than two hours, we finally came to Linjiang City, silver and silver mines. To meet us is a typical northeast big man, he is the tenth of our people to be interviewed in Jilin Province, the Fourth National People’s Congress, Linjiang City, gold and silver mine director Dong Anhua. Through interviews, Dong Anhua and the mining section of a touching story, so that we can not help but feel comfortable and admiration. Dangerous show their time Linjiang City gold and silver mine formerly known as Hunjiang lead-zinc mine, is a 40-year-old old state-owned enterprises, employees 1152 people, 40 million yuan in fixed assets. Historically, Hunjiang City has made its contribution to the economic development. However, due to the shortage of mineral resources and the poor management of enterprises, by the end of 1998, the enterprises arrears their wages for 12 months and owes various taxes and fees of more than 20 million yuan. The workers are in disarray, the chaos in mining areas and the phenomenon of robbery are serious. In hordes of groups, the workers demanded reimbursement of salaries, serious illness requires hospitalization, power supply due to electricity only 4 hours a day, at night the entire mining area is dark, the company has reached the brink of bankruptcy. May 1999, Dong Anhua came to the mine alone, in the face of such a mess, he boldly determined to lend this firm resolutely, the company changed its name to Linjiang City, gold and silver mines. Since then, he and the mine formed a mystery.
美学战略将公司战略和营销战略作为输入,通过视觉(或其他感觉)方法来表达公司的使命、战略目标和文化。成功实施的美学战略能为公司及其品牌建立识别。 The Aesthetic Strat
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