Vertical distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon content in Caohai wetland ecosystem of

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:okzzh
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We selected four kinds of land use types from Caohai wetlands of Guizhou plateau(a total number of 32 soil profiles) to study the distribution characteristics of organic carbon content in soil. With different ways of land use, the organic carbon content of soil profiles and organic carbon density show the tendency of decreasing firstly and then increasing from top to bottom. With the increase of depth, the vertical difference becomes smaller first and then starts increasing. Land reclamation reduces the soil organic carbon content and density, changing its distribution structure in topsoil. The average content of organic carbon in Caohai wetlands are as follows: lake bed silt [ marsh wetland [ farmland [ woodland, the average organic carbon content of lake bed silt, marsh wetland,farmland and woodland are 16.40, 2.94, 1.81 and 1.08 %,respectively. Land reclamation reduces the organic carbon content of soil, therefore the conversion of cultivated lands to wetlands and the increase of forest coverage will help to fix the organic carbon in soil and increase its reserves. We selected four kinds of land use types from Caohai wetlands of Guizhou plateau (a total number of 32 soil profiles) to study the distribution characteristics of organic carbon content in soil. With different ways of land use, the organic carbon content of soil profiles and organic carbon density show the tendency of diminishing first and then increasing from top to bottom. With the increase of depth, the vertical difference becomes smaller first and then starts increasing. Land reclamation reduces the soil organic carbon content and density, changing its distribution structure in The average content of organic carbon in Caohai wetlands is as follows: lake bed silt [marsh wetland [farmland [woodland, the average organic carbon content of lake bed silt, marsh wetland, farmland and woodland are 16.40, 2.94, 1.81 and 1.08 %, respectively. Land reclamation reduces the organic carbon content of soil, therefore the conversion of cultivated lands to wetlands and the increase of fo rest coverage will help to fix the organic carbon in soil and increase its reserves.
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摘要 紫砂光货有自己独特的艺术语言,采用反映紫砂真实面貌的质朴材质,用简洁的形式来表达思想和美感,把作者的情感注入到形体之中,以体现作者的修养。紫砂光货是中华民族传统精神的一种承袭,一种审美观念的体现,一种紫砂本质的正宗与精神所在。  关键词 茄段壶;紫砂;自然风光  紫砂陶是无釉陶,紫砂泥是陶土中的精品,紫砂光货之所以受到世人青睐,很大原因在于它以紫砂泥为原料。紫砂光货采用了独特的成型工艺,一出
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