In 1990, Jiaozuo City Urban Social Investigation Team conducted a follow-up survey of nearly one hundred households in the city. The results showed that 9375% of the households had gift expenses and the highest expenditure reached 1187 yuan, an average of 249.20 yuan per family , An increase of 38.79% over 1989. Equivalent to a resident of the city 3 months living expenses. According to the survey, residents spend so much on giving, there are many reasons, the most important of which is the social ethos. Some government workers and some workers and staff members in certain industries can not afford the temptation of money and materials and seek the personal gain by the power granted by the people. Residents generally reflect that now almost all things to give gifts, things are not rude, and the size of the things to do on the severity of gifts. At the same time, some residents think that with the development of the commodity economy, people are becoming more and more sophisticated in their ever-expanding and complicated interpersonal relationships In the relationship, it is urgent to expand the scope of social activities through more and more gift gifts in order to realize their own “value.” Therefore, in everyday life people of all sorts of human wind blowing breathless.