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德意志联邦共和国首都柏林是欧洲著名的古都之一,曾经先后是勃兰登堡侯国的首府、普鲁士王国和德意志帝国的首都,名胜古迹和现代建筑交相辉映,记载了数百年的历史变迁。特别是位于市中心的勃兰登堡门,作为柏林的象征,自建成以来,经历了德国许多重大的历史事件。勃兰登堡门建于1788年~1791年,是当时的普鲁士王朝为纪念战争胜利而兴建的,故又称凯旋门。它仿照古希腊雅典卫城入口式样用白色花岗石筑成,宽60多米、高约20米,两边是6个多力克式 The capital of the Federal Republic of Germany. Berlin is one of the famous European ancient capital. Once the capital of the State of Brandenburg, the capital of the Prussian Kingdom and the German Empire, the monuments and modern architecture of Berlin once recorded the historical changes of hundreds of years. Especially in the city center, the Brandenburg Gate, as a symbol of Berlin, has experienced many major historical events in Germany since its establishment. Brandenburg Gate was built in 1788 ~ 1791, was the Prussian dynasty to commemorate the victory of the war built, it is also known as the Arc de Triomphe. It is modeled on the ancient Greek Acropolis entrance with white granite built more than 60 meters wide, about 20 meters high, on both sides of 6 Doric
在妊娠的妇女当中,有相当一部分人会出现口渴、食欲增加、多尿及尿糖阳性等现象。这时会有人怀疑,是不是妊娠合并糖尿病了? 妊娠期间,出现尿糖阳性等现象,并不一定就是得了
请问怀孕后隔多长时间可以去做B超?太早做B超对胎儿有影响吗? 在停经10—14周做一次B超检查,一方面有利于确定孕周、胎儿数目,另一方面通过测量胎儿颈项部透明层厚度,可以早
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