长期以来,中外理论界存在着把人类自身的生产同物质资料的生产绝对分割开来的倾向,实际上,这两种生产之间是有内在必然联系的,是人进行社会生产的两个不可分割的方面。 (一) 人类自身的生产是个社会生产过程。首先,人自身的生产过程虽然必须是人种的生命生产,但更重要的是在稳定地保持生物遗传的生命体的前提下,对其进行社会加工、制作和完善。社会是生产人的主导力量,人本身是社会对象化的结果,是社会化了的客体。同时,人自身的生产是个长时间的社会生产过程,就个体来说,通常是一个
For a long time, there has been a tendency in Chinese and foreign theoretical circles that the production of mankind itself must be absolutely separated from the production of material materials. In fact, there is an inherent and necessary relationship between these two kinds of production. Segmentation aspects. (1) Human beings’ own production is a social productive process. First of all, although the production process of human beings must be the production of human life, it is even more important to carry out social processing, production and perfection on the premise of stably maintaining the living beings of biological genetics. Society is the dominant force in the production man. Man himself is the result of social objectification and the object of socialization. At the same time, man’s own production is a long process of social production, which, as far as an individual is concerned, is usually one