The original supply voltage of Lizhu Iron Mine fluctuated greatly in Zhejiang Province. The minimum voltage of 6 kV busbar was 5.1 kV during the day and rose to 6.9 kV at night, seriously affecting the normal production of mines. The mine workers in the industrialization of Daqing mass movement, the urgency of emergency production, relying on one’s own efforts, innovation, tapping the potential, restructuring success with a load-lifting pressure regulating transformer, the string in the mine 35/6 thousand An 1800 volt An main transformer, the mining 6 kV voltage can be maintained at 5.7 to 6.3 kV (ie, fluctuations of ± 5%) within the scope of the mine to ensure the normal production. Practice shows that the operation is good. Articles dedicated author introduction, for the mine reference.