1 基础条件1.1 环境的选择与质量要求花生绿色食品栽培要有良好的生态环境,生产区域周围不能有工矿企业,并在远离公路、车站、机场、码头等交通要道,以免对空气、土地、灌溉水的污染。大气检测标准,对二氧化硫、氮氧化物、总悬浮微粒和氟日检测量,不得超出国家大气环境质量标准 GB3095-
1 Basic conditions 1.1 Environmental selection and quality requirements Peanut green food cultivation should have a good ecological environment, the production area can not have industrial and mining enterprises around, and away from roads, railway stations, airports, wharves and other transport thoroughfares in order to avoid the air, land, Irrigation water pollution. Atmospheric testing standards for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, total aerosols and fluorine daily testing, shall not exceed the national atmospheric quality standards GB3095-