精彩纷呈而又扑朔迷离的16支劲旅的厮杀,从开局就把人们引向了一个迷幻的境界。英格兰的狂,荷兰的险,克罗地亚的奇,法国的稳,德国的熟,直看到意大利被淘汰,丹麦队出局,捷克队崛起,伴随着西班牙的悔恨和保加利亚的遗憾,宛如一曲悲壮的英雄交响乐,从牵肠挂肚到如醉如痴。 归其特点有三: 其一:对足球运动发展有了新认识。 本届杯赛最显著的技战术特点,过去典型的英式长传冲吊已无踪影,就连东道主英格兰身上也找不到痕迹。取而代之的则是更快、更活的短传渗透和多点进攻。两翼的突破,前锋的游弋,前卫的插上,迫使
Bright and colorful and confusing 16 strong fighting, from the beginning to put people in a psychedelic realm. England crazy, Netherlands risk, Croatia odd, French stability, Germany cooked, straight to see Italy was eliminated, the Danish team out, the rise of the Czech team, accompanied by Spain’s regret and Bulgarian regret, like a tragic Heroic symphony, from worrying to drunk. There are three characteristics: one: a new understanding of the development of football. The most significant technical and tactical characteristics of this tournament, the past typical British long pass the red hanging has disappeared, even the host England can not find traces. Instead it is faster and more lively short penetration and multi-point attacks. Two wings of the breakthrough, forward cruising, avant-garde plug in, forcing