1 corn needs fertilizer and fertilizer law corn is a high-yielding crops, tall plants, developed roots, strong absorption of fertility, the need for more nutrients. Production of 100kg corn seeds, need to absorb nitrogen 2.0 ~ 4.0kg, phosphorus pentoxide 0.7 ~ 1.5kg, potassium 1.5 ~ 4.0kg. The reasons for the different amounts and proportions of nutrient uptake by maize are mainly due to the characteristics of cultivars, soil conditions, yield levels and cultivation methods. When determining the specific amount of fertilizer, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze and consider. Maize different growth stages, the absorption of nutrients and the proportion of large changes. Corn plantlets small, slow growth, the amount of nutrient absorption, slow. Jointing, booting to the flowering stage is the corn vegetative and reproductive growth at the same time the stage, rapid growth, nutrient uptake