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目的近年来由于丙泊酚在无痛流产中的应用,出现流产后的并发症及药物不良反应数见不鲜,预防和杜绝无痛流产后出现的并发症就尤为重要。方法统计本院自2007年10月至2010年10月379例丙泊酚应用于无痛流产术,其中术后出现13例流产后并发症,患者的最大年龄35岁,最小年龄19岁,平均年龄27岁。术后随访复诊患者,出现流产后并发症共13例。结果丙泊酚的不良反应:可能出现低血压和短暂的呼吸暂停,与药物的剂量、术前用药或者使用其他的药物都有关,丙泊酚有极少数病例可发生过敏反应,包括Quincke氏水肿、支气管痉挛、红斑和低血压。由于药物的不良反应,在手术中无痛流产手术中由于患者对药物的敏感性增加及肌肉松弛增加致流产后并发症11例(其中吸宫过度引起动静脉瘘2例,11例出现宫缩乏力宫内积血致机化残留)由于药物的作用时间短,经过监护处理,均恢复正常。结论丙泊酚在无痛流产中致流产并发症的出现让我们对丙泊酚的临床应因人而异,用量应该以体重和敏感度而异。以减轻患者的痛苦,体现无痛流产手术的真正优点。 Objectives In recent years, due to the application of propofol in painless abortion, complications after abortion and adverse drug reactions are rare, so it is especially important to prevent and eliminate the complications after painless abortion. Methods Statistics from October 2007 to October 2010 379 cases of propofol applied to painless abortion, including postoperative complications of 13 cases of post-abortion, the patient’s maximum age of 35 years, the minimum age of 19 years, with an average of Age 27 years old. Postoperative follow-up of patients, there were 13 cases of post-abortion complications. Results Adverse reactions to propofol: hypotension and transient apnea may be associated with the dose of medication, preoperative medication, or other medications. In a very small number of propofol allergic reactions occur, including Quincke’s edema Bronchospasm, erythema and hypotension. Due to adverse drug reactions, painless abortion in surgery due to increased patient sensitivity to drugs and increased muscle relaxation caused by post-partum complications in 11 cases (including excessive suction caused by arteriovenous fistula in 2 cases, 11 cases of contractions Mild intrauterine hemorrhage induced residue) due to the role of drugs in a short time, after guardianship treatment, returned to normal. Conclusions The occurrence of miscarriage complicating propofol in painless abortion allows us to vary the clinical practice of propofol in varying doses and should vary in weight and sensitivity. To alleviate the suffering of patients, reflecting the real advantages of painless abortion.
诗人在描写客观物象的时候,总是融入了自己的思想感情,无论是创造意象和意境,诗人的追求都是达到尽可能完美的情景交融,也 When depicting objective objects, poets always