患者男性,23岁。自服1605约100ml 6小时,于1991年5月25日入院。患者服药后即刻在当地卫生院清水洗胃,静注阿托品105mg、解磷定2.0g。于当日14:30转来我院,急诊室又静注阿托品10mg后收住院。查体:T36.4C,P 96次/分,BP16/11kPa,呈深昏迷状态,皮肤潮湿,全身肌束震颤。两瞳孔直径约4mm,等大等圆,光反应迟钝。两肺散在干罗音,心率96次/分,律整无杂音。四肢肌张力略增强,生理反射存在,Babineki’s征阴性。实验室检查:胆碱酯酶活力
Male patient, 23 years old. Since serving 1605 about 100ml 6 hours, was admitted on May 25, 1991. Immediately after taking the patient in the local hospital clean water gastric lavage, intravenous injection of atropine 105mg, phosphorus solution set 2.0g. 14:30 transferred to our hospital the same day, emergency room and intravenous injection of atropine 10mg after admission. Examination: T36.4C, P 96 beats / min, BP16 / 11kPa, was a deep coma, the skin moist, systemic muscle tremor. Two pupil diameter of about 4mm, such as large round, light reaction slow. Two lungs scattered in the dry rales, heart rate 96 beats / min, law no noise. Limb muscle tension slightly increased, there is physiological reflex, Babineki’s sign negative. Laboratory tests: cholinesterase activity