课堂提问是语文教师进行阅读教学常用的一种方式。问题提得恰当,有利于调动学生学习语文的积极性,有利于学生加深对语言文字的理解,对思想感情的体会;如果问题提得不恰当,缺乏明确的教学目标,没有突出教学重点、难点,问得多,问得碎,那么,宝贵的、有限的课堂教学时间就在这机械的一问一答中消失了。要提高课堂教学效率,就必须认真思考;在短短的四十分钟之内,教师应该问些什么?这些问题是根据什么提出来的? 如何恰当地设计课堂提问,首先必须思考:本节课的教学目标是什么?如何引导学生理解具体的语言文字?进行哪些语文基本功的训练?学生的认识水平应该达到什么高度?渗透哪些思想教育?等等。接着,要认真思考:为了达到这一教学目标,安
Classroom questioning is a commonly used method of reading teaching for Chinese teachers. If the problem is properly raised, it is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of students in learning Chinese, which helps students to deepen the understanding of the language and the understanding of their thoughts and feelings. If the questions are not properly formulated and there is no clear teaching goal, Ask too much, ask broken, then, valuable, limited classroom teaching time in this mechanical question and answer disappeared. In order to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, we must seriously consider; in just 40 minutes, teachers should ask what these questions are based on what? How to properly design the classroom questions, we must first think: This lesson What is the teaching goal? How to guide students to understand the specific language? What language training? What level of awareness should be reached? What ideological education? And so on. Then, think seriously: In order to achieve this teaching goal, Ann