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从长白山自然保护区原始森林200多年生东北红豆杉(Tasxus cuspidata Siebet Zucc.)树皮中分离94株内生真菌,鉴定出19种.其中,除2个新种、1个新变种和6个国内已知种(已详细描述并发表在2003,14(4):290-294),本文还对包括9个新记录属种的形态特征进行了详细描述:坚孢葡萄单孢 (Staphylotrichum coccosporum Meyer et Nicot)、砖红葡萄痕孢(Botryodema lateritium Papendoorf & Upadhyay)、球头孢[Oedocephalum glomerulosum ( Rulliard Sacc.)、球头三型孢(Trichosporonoides oedocephalis Haskins & Spencer )、扁圆球孢 [Beniowskia sphaeroidea (Kal Chbrenner et Caeke ) Mason ]、疣顶孢(Thermomyces verrucosus Pugh, Blakeman & Morgan-jones )、腐殖厚壁孔孢(Gilmaniella humicola Brron )、球乳突孢 [Papularia sphaerosperma (Pers.:Fr.) von Hohnel]、褐钝孢[Ambrosiella brunnea (Verrall) Batra ] 和1个新记录种:假线壳囊孢(Cytosporina notha Died.).对中国新记录属种内生真菌,提供了形态学特征描述与图解及其生境、寄主的记载.用薄层层析技术,测定了各菌种发酵代谢产物可与紫杉烷类物质显色剂--香草试液和稀碘化铋钾试液不发生明显的颜色反应.图10参23.“,”A total of 94 isolates of endophytic fungi were isolated from the bark of 200-yr.-old Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc. in the primeval forest of the Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve, and 19 species of endophytic fungi were identified. Among the taxa 2 new species and 1 new varied species as well as the 6 known species of China had been described in a previous article published on Journal of Forestry Research, Vol. 14 (4): 290-294 (2003). This paper made a detail description on the morphological characteristics of the 9 new recorded-genus-species and 1 new record species with illustrations, including Staphylotrichum coccosporum Meyer et Nicot, Botryodema lateritium Papendoorf & Upadhyay, Oedocephalum glomerulosum (Rulliard) Sacc., Trichosporonoides oedocephalis Haskins & Spencer, Beniowskia sphaeroidea (Kal Chbrenner et Caeke) Mason, Thermomyces verrucosus Pugh, Blakeman & Morgan-jones, Gilmaniella humicola Brron , Arthrinium sphaerosperma (Per.:Fr.) Ellis, Ambrosiella brunnea (Verrall) Batra, and Cytosporina notha Diedz (1 new record species). And the habitats, hosts, distributions and fruiting periods were recorded for the new recorded-genus-species. The determination result of thin layer chromatography (TLC) showed that the liquid fermentation metabolites of the strains could not react positively with taxoids developer - the vanillic aldehyde and dilute bismuth potassium iodide.
从传动系行星排传递单元和构件出发,建立了N自由度行星变速箱运动学数学模型,并运用该模型对三自由度行星变速箱进行了换档过程的动态仿真。 Based on the planetary transm
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2012年度,预计全年实现营业收入25亿元,利润总额4.2亿元,年末总资产为175亿元,日供水能力达到750万t,服务人口2100万人…rn2012年度,预计能够实现售水8 7亿t,同比增长13%;污水
摘要:在计算机技术领域中,CPU和GPU两者是相辅相成的,在CPU和GPU发展过程中遇到了各种瓶颈,要相对该种瓶颈进行解决,就要将两者相互结合进行实现,并且关于CPU和GPU两者相互结合的方案一直被相关人员所重视和研究。基于此,该文就对CPU和GPU两者的联合异构计算系统进行分析,两者的结合能够有效提高处理器的性能,并且还能够提高处理器的性价比,促进计算机处理器能够迈向全新的台阶,之后对CPU G